Arriving in a new place, everything is fresh but it's all foreign too.
I can't turn the stove on, I've lost my adaptor, my ATM card doesn't work, and on and on little things like this throw me off. But this time on my travels, I very purposefully bring with me a set of routines, rituals and things from home to ground myself in some sort of normality early on.
I have some familiar scents - incense and oils - I have my yoga mat as well as spices (a friend once christened me The Travelling Spice Rack for all the cinnamon and turmeric I stash in my bag) and pulses to cook with.
But keeping a sort of routine becomes important too. I'm keeping a morning routine of waking at 7 then yoga, meditation, oracle cards and journalling before breakfast to remind myself of where I am, to wake up and arrive for the day in body and soul.
I hope these things can ground me to the earth of my new (temporary) home here in Bali, so I can go out and flourish here.