We arrive to our rickety little shack on the cliffs of Gargano National Park in Northern Puglia late on a Sunday afternoon. The sky is turning pink, a band is setting up to play on the rocks below us and we can't believe how close we are to the water. Our house is attached to a seafood restaurant, Altrabucco da Mimi, sitting on stilts in the water, run by Vincenzo and his family.
Every day we have the same routine - take a trip in to Peschici town to pick up food and walk through the little streets with the washing hung on the line, walk to the other side of the cliff to jump off the rocks and into the clear water, swimming all the way in to shore and walking back to do it again, make lunch at home, a spread of salads, cheese and roasted vegetables, sunbathe on the deck and when the sun starts to fade, get dressed to go to dinner at Vincenzo's restaurant or in town. These are how our days here pass, the perfect italian beach holiday by the sea.
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