Fading Light
We took my friend’s dog, Vincent Van Dogh, out for a walk around the streets in his little jacket, along the canals of Amsterdam as the light tracked across the buildings and the cyclists and then faded into pink, then blue and then black.
It was icy cold on this day, the sky opened several times throughout the day and night and threw down a shower of some kind of strange snow/hail hybrid. Whatever it was, it was cold, wet and sharp as it hit our skin. But it all made for a kind of special atmosphere out on the streets and in the air as we walked around.
I could see and notice in extra sharp focus the light, the sky, everything and I felt like I’d never connected to the city so strongly before, despite having spent a month living here two years ago. I'd always visited this city just to see my friend but now I could feel the soul of this city too.